Marijani street N6, floor 4
The company "Happy Family"

HAPPY FAMILY is one of the leading companies in Georgia and abroad. It is  successful in the sphere of surrogacy and donation . The founder of the company has enormous experience in this field and has received appropriate education. This and many other factors are the company's successful activities. Company has achieved very high results during its functioning.

სხვა სიახლეები
Why" Happy Family"
"Happy Family" has a huge data base of donors and surrogate mothers. Experienced and professional team, highly qualified doctors, leading IVF clinics, numerous positive results...
Surrogacy in Georgia
Georgia is a modern European country where surrogacy and egg donation is legal. Georgia attracts a lot of tourists by its geographical and cultural uniqueness. Medical tourism has...
IVF- what is it?
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process by which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body. First test-tube baby insemination method was created as a major treatment of...